Movie Review: Breakthrough

Love never gives up,never loses faith. It’s always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.

Baby Stacey

Dear Future Hubby,please wait a little before you come around. This may surprise you but I am missing you but am in no rush to find you.Am somewhere here in the universe. Please take your time,i beg. I can’t wait for our adventures,i cant wait for your breath taking kiss and your touch on my flawless dark skin…😂😂 ok enough with my idiotic,brainless,doltish and mindless thoughts.

So what was I saying…oh yeah, yesterday I took off sometime to watch a movie. Breakthrough is an inspiring,touching, heartwarming, a must watch, tearjerker, and I don’t know what to say. Those eager to believe in miracles will likely turn out for it.

Breakthrough is a movie for all to see regardless of your spiritual belief because it shows you an amazing example of the human spirit at it’s best.

The movie is about a mother’s love for her child and faith in God,who can do miracles. I literally spent the night with tissues in my hand as I watched the movie. I temporarily became blind. John Smith is a typical teenage young man(i told the person I was sitted with that I crushed on John😂😂i swear he was goodlooking and charming).

John’s miraculous ordeal with an unassuming simplicity,focusing on the harrowing details without an over reliance on prosolytization.On a sunny Martin Luther King,John is horsing around with two buddies on a frozen surface when ice cracks open submerging three boys. The friends get themselves to the surface but John lies underwater,unconscious until the rescue team arrives minutes later.

He remains Pulseless,lifeless(hes literally clinically dead). It is miraculous in such a way that the mother prays and cries out to God,God listens and he immediately answers.(Johns’s heart begins to beat again💃💃).

Fot the most of the movie,i realize that John’s mother pushes away negative energy and medical establishment, she fights her supportive but down beat husband, she detests the doubters in the hospital corridors and the non believers.

In a strange way,its a happy war,she endures the crisis of her life but her bond with God is unbreakable. Breakthrough’s deepening upon your vantage is either an authentic true life drama(its actually a true story).

So to those that don’t believe in miracles. Take sometime off and watch this amazing piece.

Until we meet again my beautiful people.


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