
Hello bloggers!

So I have been reading a book entiled the battle plan for prayer. It’s an amazing book that is a must have for every soul and it’s breathtaking. It’s a book inspired by the feature film War Room💙.

In this book the legacy of prayer 🙏is clearly explained. I further learnt something that it’s good to have a scheduled prayer time, a scheduled prayer place and prayer targets. So what do I mean by prayer targets. I simply mean develop a specific, personalized, ongoing prayer list.

How can this be done?

Well, you may consider the following,

What are your top three biggest needs?

What are the top three things you are stressed about?. It can be love issues 😂, it can be academics, family and probably your business is failing. Many things as you can mention.

You could also consider some issues in your life that would take a miracle of God to resolve

You may probably consider other things as well.

Lastly, think about this,

Prayer is our armoured tank. And when we put into action by God’s people, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Prayer is our major assault weapon in battle. “

Ephesians 6: 13💯

Stay blessed!!!😂❤

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